Student Maintenance Grants

The Teagasc Authority approved the introduction of means testing of maintenance grants for students attending Further Level Courses at Teagasc and Private Agricultural Colleges in 2012.

Means testing will apply to Teagasc Level 5 and Level 6 full-time courses for the academic year 2024/2025.

Teagasc student maintenance grants are paid through Teagasc and the grant scheme is managed by Teagasc.  The Teagasc grant scheme will be implemented along the lines of the National Student Grant Scheme 2024 but varies in respect of what 'add backs' are used to determine overall reckonable income.

*Please note that applicants cannot apply to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) to be means tested for a Teagasc Student Maintenance Grant. See note below*

All queries on Teagasc Student Maintenance Grants should be directed to:

Email:   [email protected]

Phone: 0818 161 000


* Students on the Higher Certificate In Engineering In Agricultural Mechanisation course can only apply for the SUSI (student universal support Ireland) grant. This course is run in partnership with TUS and students are registered with TUS.


Please ask at Reception if you are unsure which grant is applicable to your course.